And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was
-John 19:19
Answer: The inscription INRI is an acronym of the Latin phrase "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Ieus," which is commonly found on paintings and sculptures of the crucified Christ. The phrase can be translated as "Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews (John 19:19)."
Prior to his crucifixion, Jesus was interogatted by Pontius Pilate asking him if he was the king of the Jews everyone was talking about. For the chief priests and rulers of the Sanhedrin have brought him up to the governor persecuting him of the same claim. Jesus, however, did not denied their accusations by responding to Pilate, "thou say it (Matthew 27:11; Mark 15:2; Luke 23:3)." Later, when he was lifted up in the cross, Pilate ordered to put the inscription upon Jesus' head. When the chief priests saw this they were sore displeased and exhorted the governor to remove it. Pilate, however, rejected their supplications by saying, "what I have written I have written (John 19:22)."
INRI was commonly used by most artists on their works, although the original phrase was actually written in three different languages that were formely spoken in Palestine during that era. Hebrew was an old Semitic language used by a nation that bears the same name. They are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac anf Jacob (Exodus 3:15) who were the patriarchs of Israel and Judah. While, Greek was the common language used (especially on literature) by the Jewish people after they were ruled by the Greek Empire for centuries. Lastly was Latin, the language of the Roman who dominated the nation of the Jews and much of the known world of that time.
Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews
During the middle ages and Renaissance, the Holy Roman Empire became not only as the center of religion but also of crafts and arts. That is why many painters and sculptures used Latin as their fundamental language even on their works. Thus, the abridged symbol INRI became more popular than the whole phrase that proclaimed Jesus as the long awaited "Annointed One (Messiah)" of the people of God.